Home Window Sizes

Have you been considering investing in new windows for your home? If so, understanding window sizes and selecting standard-sized options will help ensure that your project is easy, stress-free, and cost-effective. Below is everything that you need to know about standard window sizes.

Why Does Window Size Matter?

As you plan your window replacement, window size will come to play a big role in your decision-making process. In the past, windows used to come in all sorts of different sizes which caused major headaches for homeowners when it came time for window replacement. Builders now tend to utilize a few common, or standard, window sizes.

Selecting standard-sized windows comes with many benefits. Chief among them is the potential to save money. It is estimated that opting for standard-sized windows over custom window options can help homeowners save up to 75%. Installing standard-sized windows will also ensure that your installation is easier and more efficient.

Understanding Standard Window Sizes

Choosing window styles is often the most exciting part of a window replacement project. While you peruse the different window options available to you, it helps to familiarize yourself with standard-sized options in each category. Below are some standard window measurements for you to take note of and keep in mind while you search for the perfect products for your home.

  • Picture Windows: Picture windows are some of the largest options available to you because they are usually used to provide an unobstructed view of the scenic outdoors. Common picture window measurements include 3ft x 2ft (3020), 5ft x 3ft (5030), 6ft x 4 ft (6040), 4 ft x 5 ft (4050), and 8 ft x 5 ft (8050).
  • Casement Windows: Casement windows are hinged for easy opening and provide excellent ventilation. Common sizes include 1 ft 7 in x 1 ft 4 in (1714), 1 ft 7 in x 2 ft 5 in (1725), 2 ft 3 in x 2 ft 3 in (2323), 2 ft 9 in x 2 ft 9 in (2929), 3 ft 5 in x 2 ft 5 in (3525).
  • Single-Hung or Double-Hung Windows: Single-hung and double-hung windows are common and popular, so chances are, you may look at some of these for your home. Common sizes include 2 ft x 3 ft (2030), 2 ft x 4 ft 4 in (2044), 2 ft 8 in x 4 ft (2840), 2 ft 8 in x 5 ft 2 in (2852), 4 ft x 6 ft (4060).
  • Awning Windows: Awning windows open outward from the bottom and come in a few different standard sizes including 3 ft x 2 ft (3020), 4 ft x 2 ft 4 in (4024), and 5 ft x 3 ft (5030).

Learn More About Our Window Replacement Services

We hope this guide has been helpful for you as you plan your window replacement project. As a leading Kansas City window replacement company, Alenco is a top provider of beautiful, durable, high-performance windows to Kansas and Missouri homeowners. Our team would be delighted to assist you in getting new windows for your home.

If you are looking for a skilled and experienced window contractor in Kansas City, you can count on us for a job well done. Our Kansas City window company has spent over 35 years skillfully installing windows for our clients. We also boast an impeccable reputation and a BBB accreditation with an A+ rating. Reach out today to request your Kansas City window installation quote today.